Lovely Gestures

Today at my work, they had a little morning tea of muffins, and gave me a card and a wedding gift (a fondue set, lol). Isn't that nice? So now everyone knows that my work is a nice work. :) They even made sure I had noticed the rather obvious exchange card ;)

Whenever one has to sign one of those cards for someone, the ones that everyone has to sign, and it is all supposed to be a big secret, then you're thinking, they are so gonna know and what retarded thing am I going to write and they're going to think that I really hate them or something. Well, I have no idea when they did the card, and I didn't notice J come in with two large boxes of muffins either. She set it up on the table on the other side of the wall I sit by - it only partially divides the room, I sit by the opening - so I only had to move back half a metre, move right one metre, and then forward half a metre and I would have gone around the wall and be sitting in front of the muffins instead of my monitor, and I didn't even notice. Anyway, I liked the card lots and I didn't think that anyone hated me OR was an idiot, so those cards really are good after all. And so much more economical than a separate card from each of multiple people. ;)

I think I shall tag this with "review", as a review of both group cards and my work ;)

P.S. when our next product comes out in May, expect to see my own personal promotion of it here. You will so have to see it. I did it!!! Well, lots anyway. I'm super clever. I'm pretty sure that's what everyone at work would say.


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