It's Not Worth Wearing
If an item of clothing doesn't cause some sort of visual impairment, it's not worth wearing.

But I won't just be making one garment out of this, oh no, there is a whole outfit, or set of outfits around this theme!
Ok, two items will be made in the houndstooth, and another will have highlights of it, but there are many more items in the greater theme of outfits. But I am trying to write shorter posts oftener, so I will put that in another post. I am starting a new tag about this: houndstooth, although as you will see, another element is "corporate" and another is.... "feminism" perhaps? Or sexism? It is hard to decide. Anyways, this entry has introduced the houndstooth element.
p.s. today's post was a bit late, in fact it is barely still today - no work for good Friday, so I forgot to post it - however, I have several preprepared posts to go, so we may get some in the weekend!!