An Attempt at a Hat and Veil, Part One
The wedding is fast approaching, and I have posted very little wedding stuff - because Gary is not supposed to see my stuff or something. Or maybe just not see me wearing it. But people wearing things make the best pictures!
But the hat and veil are surely harmless? I want to have a huge veil that goes nearly head-to-toe, or at least head-to-knee, that I can have over my face initially, then back over my head, as veils are supposed to go. It will be shorter in the front though, and I shall try to arrange it such that there is less material in front and more folds of material at the back.
It's very nearly time for bed, so I shall have to merely introduce the items in this entry, although I am about a third to half way through making the hat part.
I shall explain the ingredients then, as shown here (ingredients and recipes, that's how I think of sewing ventures; cooking, less so):
We can see here the pattern of course, which I did not buy for this purpose but merely because Vogue patterns were very very cheap one day (as compared to normal here, but not comparable to very very cheap in the USA for example, where sometimes cheap is actually cheap) and no one really needs a hat pattern, especially one that consists merely of rectangles and a few slightly squashed circles.
Then there is lining, being used merely because it is yellow and not too flimsy. It was very cheap at Spotlight, and you can see in the picture the subtle pattern on it. The orange in the top right is not really that colour, but more mustard-gold; it is the material I made the corset in. This is for the outer fabric of the hat. The stuff on the left is for the veil. It is a sheer curtain material of some type, and is almost completely transparent when viewed straight on, but coloured and more opaque when viewed on an angle, such as when it hangs in folds, the sides of the folds are opaque. All people looking for sheer wedding material should use this, as it is cheaper than the stuff sold in dressmaking, and is 150cm wide. Of course, it is a bit stiff but suitable for some purposes, like veils, or decorative shoulder wraps for instance.
The veil material unfortunately doesn't go in the slightest with the mustard-gold. It is ok when it is hanging over it, like it will be over the corset, but doesn't go that nicely when they are next to each other. I think the whole effect will be so overwhelming that few people, such as design students, will notice it not matching nicely, however. Unless everyone is a lot more obsessed with these things than I thought. However, I was looking around for different material for the hat and didn't find any and wanted to start it NOW. Then I realised, since the hat is in the same material as the corset, it makes more sense to try and change the veil material anyway. So I will go back and look again for a different gold-yellow, because I remember there were three. I did however think the other two were ugly, but maybe they will work better in context than this one does. And that is it for now!
Oh yes, wait, what hat am I making? Just a simple "pillbox". That is a silly name. So, like the ones on the packet with no brim, sans accoutrements, plus a veil.
But the hat and veil are surely harmless? I want to have a huge veil that goes nearly head-to-toe, or at least head-to-knee, that I can have over my face initially, then back over my head, as veils are supposed to go. It will be shorter in the front though, and I shall try to arrange it such that there is less material in front and more folds of material at the back.
It's very nearly time for bed, so I shall have to merely introduce the items in this entry, although I am about a third to half way through making the hat part.
I shall explain the ingredients then, as shown here (ingredients and recipes, that's how I think of sewing ventures; cooking, less so):

Then there is lining, being used merely because it is yellow and not too flimsy. It was very cheap at Spotlight, and you can see in the picture the subtle pattern on it. The orange in the top right is not really that colour, but more mustard-gold; it is the material I made the corset in. This is for the outer fabric of the hat. The stuff on the left is for the veil. It is a sheer curtain material of some type, and is almost completely transparent when viewed straight on, but coloured and more opaque when viewed on an angle, such as when it hangs in folds, the sides of the folds are opaque. All people looking for sheer wedding material should use this, as it is cheaper than the stuff sold in dressmaking, and is 150cm wide. Of course, it is a bit stiff but suitable for some purposes, like veils, or decorative shoulder wraps for instance.
The veil material unfortunately doesn't go in the slightest with the mustard-gold. It is ok when it is hanging over it, like it will be over the corset, but doesn't go that nicely when they are next to each other. I think the whole effect will be so overwhelming that few people, such as design students, will notice it not matching nicely, however. Unless everyone is a lot more obsessed with these things than I thought. However, I was looking around for different material for the hat and didn't find any and wanted to start it NOW. Then I realised, since the hat is in the same material as the corset, it makes more sense to try and change the veil material anyway. So I will go back and look again for a different gold-yellow, because I remember there were three. I did however think the other two were ugly, but maybe they will work better in context than this one does. And that is it for now!
Oh yes, wait, what hat am I making? Just a simple "pillbox". That is a silly name. So, like the ones on the packet with no brim, sans accoutrements, plus a veil.