Houndstooth Corset, Part 3
After deciding that my very badly done sheet mock-up with no boning was going to be ok, I made a nice new pattern incorporating the changes, and added a 1" seam allowance.
Here you can see the pattern, without seam allowances, all nicely labeled with "top" and "bottom" and the waistline and which piece connects to which on what side.
I made it up in cotton something, canvas maybe, that I had bought specifiacally for this sort of thing, and I bought it in pink so I would remember it was strictly utilitarian purposes because I would never use pink for anything otherwise. I used the seam allowances to make the boning channels, because that was a lot easier than making separate channels and generally sounds like a good idea, since they are there anyway, adding bulk to the whole thing.
Here are some pictures of various views on the dress dummy, with uncut lengths of cable tie in place as boning and generally roughly pinned on and so on.

You can see come ribbon through safety pins used to lace it a bit when I tried it on, once again trying to see if it was going to work out, this time with boning. There didn't seem to be any changes that I had to make here. One inch would be taken off the top and bottom edges later, there was one inch extra for three reasons. One, so that I could simply add one inch to all edges on the pattern and thus hopefully not forget any or make and mistakes, two, so that if the material frayed while working with it it wouldn't be fraying into anything that mattered, and three, so that I could not chop it all off if I wanted to make it longer at some point in the process.
These pictures are of the inside, strength layer, the lining and fashion layer were not cut out until I had checked it out in this form.
Here you can see the pattern, without seam allowances, all nicely labeled with "top" and "bottom" and the waistline and which piece connects to which on what side.

Here are some pictures of various views on the dress dummy, with uncut lengths of cable tie in place as boning and generally roughly pinned on and so on.

These pictures are of the inside, strength layer, the lining and fashion layer were not cut out until I had checked it out in this form.