Metadata Assembly Puff

I am actually trying to do some programming-type stuff at work today, instead of just researching things and stuff and looking at options and other dumb programmes. But unfortunately I don't really understand this bit, so I am working through various obscure options, following some leads, and reading stuff I don't understand in the pursuit of "education". I don't know what half the stuff in the articles actually is and the phrases mean little to me.
For instance, there was a sentence that just inspired me to try another option. This sentence involved a certain thing that I am going to go and look for. This thing was called a "Metadata assembly -". At this stage I had no idea what they were talking about so stopped reading. Unfortunately my brain kept going.
I'm not sure if the next word in the sentence began with 'p', but I am now looking on my computer for the appropriate "Metadata assembly puff". That's right, that's what my brain thought was a reasonable end to that sentence, and that's what I am thinking as I try the solution.
I think metadata assembly puff is almost as funny as "anchovy fish" which I found very amusing last night. Fish sauce is made mostly out of "anchovy fish extract". Since an anchovy IS a fish, what is the word fish doing in there. So, I invented an artwork that exists purely in my head involving the words anchovy-fish and only I would find funny. Perhaps I shall make it sometime. G is most unsupportive of all my artistic ideas so I never pursue any of them and our house remains unadorned. It is quite sad.

Anchovy Fish

Metadata Assembly Puff

*note, solution did not work, puff is ineffectual :(
Oh, no wait, this is better, but still not working...


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