Annoying Enough To Build Murderous Urges?
If you ever need to kill someone, but can't work up the nerve, then try using "Expression Blend", formerly known as "Interactive Designer" and currently used to design GUIs for the new technologies surrounding Windows Vista. After a very short time you will be happy to kill anyone any way in order to help relieve your frustration and just generally make yourself feel better.
Case in point:
I still haven't worked out why the horizontal alignment "centre" button spreads out everything you are trying to centre at random distances, over to one side, with most things partially on top of each other.
You can't see this very well, but I think it is clear that this is a weird definition for centreing these 3 buttons:
So I must centre things by guessing, although there are other convoluted tricks that work for odd numbers of objects only. I am also unable, even in a space like the tool bar pictured above (which is actually about twice as big), to move the buttons up or down with the mouse without them snapping to the top or bottom of the rectangle. Of course, I can't centre them automatically either, and must use the keyboard. Invariably, odd lines will be accidentally created when I try and select things instead of the desired action, and often random things will become selected and dragged across the screen when you try to select something completely different. This is all just selecting and positioning though, don't get me started on the fact that there is so much crap on the screen there is nowhere to actually work; that the default size is, somewhat logically, 100%, but this is far too big to display what you want to do and every time you reopen the program or file you have to reset it to your new percentage and custom sizes aren't stored either; and a myriad of other problems.
It's still a beta version though isn't it? But a beta won't stop you killing someone.
Case in point:
I still haven't worked out why the horizontal alignment "centre" button spreads out everything you are trying to centre at random distances, over to one side, with most things partially on top of each other.
You can't see this very well, but I think it is clear that this is a weird definition for centreing these 3 buttons:
It's still a beta version though isn't it? But a beta won't stop you killing someone.