
There's not much to think about sometimes. Like when in a bathroom there isn't much to think about for instance. So, yesterday evening while in transition to the sink, I accidentally thought of a new idea for an item of clothing to make. I tried to stop the thought, but it was too late. I cannot think of MORE things to do at the moment, there is already a lot and most of them have a time frame and cannot be delayed. So now I know what I must do with those 3 (or 4?) nice matching pieces of grey fabric, including lining, that I bought from the remnants table a year or two ago. They went together so nicely, and merely had to wait for the confluence of knowledge, time, fabric, idea and the fifth thing I forgot. Of course, time is still lacking, but the other elements have mostly, umm, confluenced. Actually, some knowledge is still lacking too, but I am already ready to make the other items that will lead to that knowledge being known. So it is all coming together and the garment is now foreseeable. Sewing is all about the appropriate elements coming together. Nothing can be created until the time is right. I can see now also that this project is leading to another project which currently merely has concept and nothing else. Amazing. :) I might make a sketch, but it will probably be awful so you won't get to see it. ;)


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