Shopping - Battery Charger and Marilyn Manson

After spending 1.5 hours last night searching the entire house for the battery charger to charge the batteries for the digital camera, I didn't find it, and today we bought a new one. Thank goodness. Now I can start taking pictures again of everything. Then all I need is a digital SLR someday....
If we're lucky, the courier will deliver my stuff from ihug today and I can have internet at home by the weekend!! Otherwise it won't be until at least Monday. The sooner it's done the sooner... umm, something.

I also bought this album at lunch time, Holy Wood by Marilyn Manson (Amazon link)
Mine has a slip cover over it which is plain on the front and some weird picture on the back. It is also R18.
Although I really like my other Marilyn Manson album and it is one of my favourite CDs I have and I really wanted to get another one, I didn't really want to buy any of them because (other than the fact that the newest available at the shop was from 2000 and none were cheaper than $30) the covers were all creepy and I didn't want to pick them up or look at them. But anyway, maybe I should do a review of my other one. I keep intending to do some kind of commentary on it but haven't got round to it yet.


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