Pretty Flowers
There are a lot of flowers and cool plants in our garden, and pretty much all of them were there when we moved in. The garden was pretty over-grown and still is, but there are all sorts of things that just pop-up by themselves.
These particular flowers have just flowered recently. Last year, there seemed to be only one, whereas this year there are about half a dozen to a dozwn scattered through one area of the garden, growing amongst the giant daisies. I think they might be day lilies because each flower is only good for a day or two, and before that has not yet opened properly and afterwards is starting to die. But there are many flowers on a stem, and the next one opens when the previous one is finished.
I wasn't sure there would be enough light for good pictures as it was late afternoon and overcast, but then I thought maybe it might be good because there wouldn't be too much of that excessive contrast you get when it is sunny around here.
So you can see what the buds look like.
These particular flowers have just flowered recently. Last year, there seemed to be only one, whereas this year there are about half a dozen to a dozwn scattered through one area of the garden, growing amongst the giant daisies. I think they might be day lilies because each flower is only good for a day or two, and before that has not yet opened properly and afterwards is starting to die. But there are many flowers on a stem, and the next one opens when the previous one is finished.
I wasn't sure there would be enough light for good pictures as it was late afternoon and overcast, but then I thought maybe it might be good because there wouldn't be too much of that excessive contrast you get when it is sunny around here.
