Polytech Orientation Morning

Yesterday I went to my Certificate in Fashion orientation thingy-whatsit which was a couple of hours where they gave us a handbook of general information and basically went through it, and introduced the teachers of the course. We all went round as well and said our names and what we were hoping to get out of the course, or something, theoretically. Practically everyone said the exact same thing, "Hi, my name is ******, I'm doing the course full-time and I'll probably do the Bachelor's degree next year." So that was pretty exciting as you can well imagine. I said a little more, but this is a more detailed introduction and explanation. It starts with something I more or less actually said.

I'm doing this course part-time 2 classes a week while working full-time as well, so it will take me quite a while to finish it, about 2 years. The purpose of doing the course, for me, is to get an idea of whether I like it and whether I want to continue on in this direction; if so I might do the 3 year Bachelor's degree, but I'm not sure yet. The general plan is that while I do the course, after I have finished everything for my wedding though, I start making a few items to sell on Trademe and start thinking about what kind of business I would like to have in the fashion industry and how I am going to go about it. If I want to continue in this area but am not ready to start a business in two years when I have finished the certificate, I might start the Bachelor's, continuing that through to the end or until the business side is sorted. My general idea and aim is to get into the Dfi - Dunedin Fashion Incubator - and be what I call "a fashion egg". However, we'll have to wait and see what happens.

By the way, the Dfi is totally cool. I want to be a fashion egg!

First class this evening - Patternmaking, with Jeanette, I think.

P.S. I am trying to make a little hat. Maybe pictures in a couple of days if it works out. Otherwise, no pictures.


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