This Season's Fashion

I believe the fashion for this season to be dresses. Old-fashioned type dresses, as in dresses that you were every day as CLOTHES, rather than as an effort to dress up. Dresses like those you might see on A Dress A Day. The reason why I think this must be the current fashion is because both my sister and I have decided that we want to wear pretty, printed, approximately knee-length dresses. She bought one off Trade-Me just days' ago, and it is very pretty (and, I think, simple to make one like it...) and I have been somewhat obssessed with dresses for the last few months, culminating in me buying 4 second-hand printed sheets last week. Much cheaper than simply buying material, I can make dresses out of them. I got out my dress patterns from the late 70's that I got off Mum. But I haven't made anything yet because I am too busy with all the other things I have to do! So, like usual, although I have guaged the coming fashions, I think correctly, I may not have time to take advantage of this before it is no longer fashionable.
Anyway, when both my sister and I have the same clothing urges it is usually correct, even though we may not know whence the urges came.
Plus, in the southern hemisphere, dresses are seasonally appropriate (except in Dunedin it is always cold). So wear dresses, nobody does anymore and it is boring. See A Dress A Day for styling guidelines if you are not sure what to wear with what, or how.

Next task is to go to a few second-hand shops and look for some more retro dress patterns to choose from. I could draft some patterns, but I am sick of that at the moment, I want the relative ease and stress-free method of assuming the pattern is correct and just making it.


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