Chocolate Chip Cookies - V1.0

The other day I had an urge to make chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately our internet was down at work and I couldn't go online to look for recipes. Luckily it came back up just before home time, and my sister brought me a couple of recipes and a veritable essay on the making of chocolate chip biscuits that she found on the internet. I used one of the recipes I found, but I am going to try the ones she found sometime soon. I found my recipe here. It was very easy to make, and quick, and very yummy. The recipe theoretically makes 18, but I made 12. They were largish. Even two people at work who got one thought they were good (as far as I'm aware). At the supermarket they only had dark chocolate chips and milk chocolate buttons, so I used a mixture of the two and it has massive chocolate buttons in it and it is yummy. I thought it might not mix and stay together properly but it was fine.


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