You're Telling Us to Trim Our Hedge?
We got a letter from the council telling us that our hedge was encroaching vegetation, and that encroaching vegetation, in general, can be a danger to pedestrians and motorists. Our hedge wasn't encroaching much. It had blocked some of the pavement in one section, but the pavement is rather narrow there in any case, and there is a metre or two of grass beside the footpath before you get to the road, so I think it was fine.
This is our hedge before:
And this is what G did to the cable of the hedge trimmer. Luckily, we had an outdoor surge protector thingy, otherwise bad things might have happened. His confidence was shaken initially and he wanted me to finish the hedge ;) but he went and got another cable and then resumed cutting.

G did the road side, and I did the house side and most of the top:
This is our hedge before:

G did the road side, and I did the house side and most of the top:

How are you btw. I thought I had lost your journal but I have since returned! :D