My First Patchwork - A Pincushion!
This is pretty much my first patchwork thing. I had other stuff I was going to sew this weekend, but the container my pins are kept in is breaking, both the lid and the bottom of the plastic case, so they kept escaping. So I thought I should deal with the pins first.
The centre:
The whole top:
The whole top backed by another piece of sturdier material, pieces edge-stitched:
The back because I thought the coloured outlines looked interesting...:
Close-up of edge-stitching:
It all sewn up, sewn onto the bottom to make something stuffable:
Stuffed and finished:
Not the most exciting thing ever I know, but it is cool and functional and didn't take long and used scraps! It is stuffed mostly with that white stuffing stuff, with a few small material scraps also in there. It is bigger than most pin-cushions, but my table is busy and I would lose some of the normal sized ones. It looks better in real life, on the table in its natural environment ;)
The centre:

I found a lot of wool, considering it has spawned in daylight I'm scared how much fabric I find under my bed next weekend (I have to buy more storage containers!)