Taffeta Corset, Post 2
Woohoo, today I sewed together the inner layer - the lining and one "strength layer". I have seam allowances of about 3/4" or 2 cm. But my best sewing machine only has seam allowance guides of 1cm and 1.5cm. So I either had to sew it once using one of those seam allowances and then sew it again using the width of the presser foot after arranging the needle in the correct place, or I had to sew it on the cheap plastic machine that can barely cope and isn't as COOL. But I didn't want to sew it twice so I did it on the plastic machine. I did all the seams but one, and then realised that the needle was in the wrong place so the seams weren't 2cm anyway, and I had to do them again. Hmmm...
Here is the picture of the inner layer. There won't be any front opening in this one. It is also going to be VERY thick when it is finished. The kind of corset that ADDS inches. But at least the ratio will improve, and the ratio is the important thing.

Why won't it show the picture bigger? I make them the size I want, and they are always the same size. There must be a setting somewhere in the html. As always, if you click on it it will take you to a bigger picture. Not very exciting in this case, but something to remember. I really like this material now, seeing it sewn into something. It doesn't look nearly as cool just in one big piece for some reason.
Here is the picture of the inner layer. There won't be any front opening in this one. It is also going to be VERY thick when it is finished. The kind of corset that ADDS inches. But at least the ratio will improve, and the ratio is the important thing.

Why won't it show the picture bigger? I make them the size I want, and they are always the same size. There must be a setting somewhere in the html. As always, if you click on it it will take you to a bigger picture. Not very exciting in this case, but something to remember. I really like this material now, seeing it sewn into something. It doesn't look nearly as cool just in one big piece for some reason.