No More Material Shopping for Me

After buying some really cool chequered material that cost more than I thought it would (but anything one makes out of it would be cool, and I am definitely making a jacket, and no doubt lots of other things), then I decided to not buy anymore material for two months - so not during May or June. G is instructed to hide the Spotlight catalogues from me, and I can only buy notions that I may need, and lining material if there is nothing else I can use and if it is either actually special lining stuff (so I won't decide it is too good for lining and keep it for use as something else) or if I buy it immediately before using and then use it straight away - once again so I don't just keep it and have to buy more.
So it is very sad, no more material for 2 months. But don't worry - I still have tonnes you haven't seen yet :)


thursdays child said…
best of luck for the "no buying" :)

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