Houndstooth Corset, Part 5 - Nearly Finished
The binding, at least along the bottom edge, turned out to be a lot easier than I had thought, particularly since I sewed it by machine and not by hand so it was speedy. It was purchased black bias binding, sewn on on the front first, then folded over and "stitching in the ditch" on the front to attach it to the back, although it had to be unfolded at the back or it didn't stretch over far enough. So all in all the inside is a bit ugly, but I suppose that doesn't matter too much. The outside looks good.
I then alternated between cutting some of the cable ties to length (for boning) and making eyelets by hand.
I don't have any decent eyelets that don't muck up half the time, so I don't want to use them for good things. The only time I've used them is for my goth dress where they are mostly decorational. To get them in you have to cut the material, and if you cut it too much then the eyelet will come out and the whole thing is a disaster, even if the eyelet itself doesn't munt up somehow. The hand-made eyelets are a bit ugly though, but when they have lacing you won't see them so much. And they look better when there are a lot of them too.
These eyelets are going to take a little while though, especially since I have started doing a few other things at the same time, maybe byt next Friday, I hope.
