Zupan, Material
Woohoo, lots of post writing I am doing (well, this is the second just now).
These are the two materials for the zupan. A dark red wool blend of some type off Trademe. We determined that this colour looked at least somewhat good on G some time ago. Then I tried to find material in that colour that was preferably wool and we couldn't find any anywhere. Not even if we looked at ridiculously expensive stuff. I found one that would do but we weren't really happy about it, and it was a wool crepe so rather light and floppy, so I would have had to interline it to get a good effect. I felt wool was an appropriate authentic material, and I didn't want it to be wussy and thin, as that would not be authentic effect for a country with rather sub-zero winter temperatures. Then I found this on Trademe and bought it and it was great.
The lining of course should be linen, which is also hard to find in Dunedin, and I also looked at cotton. I thought maybe a polished cotton would be more lining-ish as it would be smoother and slippery-er, but the only stuff I could find of that was very, very thick. Then this was on sale a bit at spotlight and it is a linen-rayon and very nice, and I possibly like it better than the wool stuff, and I wish I had lots more :(
It is nice and smooth, and cool but not warmth-sucking, and really nice to touch and cut and actually a strangely nice dark brown, better than in the picture. The red is fairly close, but maybe a bit too red, it is a bit duller and the brown is more dark chocolate and without that slight feeling of blue-purple it seems to have here.
These are the two materials for the zupan. A dark red wool blend of some type off Trademe. We determined that this colour looked at least somewhat good on G some time ago. Then I tried to find material in that colour that was preferably wool and we couldn't find any anywhere. Not even if we looked at ridiculously expensive stuff. I found one that would do but we weren't really happy about it, and it was a wool crepe so rather light and floppy, so I would have had to interline it to get a good effect. I felt wool was an appropriate authentic material, and I didn't want it to be wussy and thin, as that would not be authentic effect for a country with rather sub-zero winter temperatures. Then I found this on Trademe and bought it and it was great.
The lining of course should be linen, which is also hard to find in Dunedin, and I also looked at cotton. I thought maybe a polished cotton would be more lining-ish as it would be smoother and slippery-er, but the only stuff I could find of that was very, very thick. Then this was on sale a bit at spotlight and it is a linen-rayon and very nice, and I possibly like it better than the wool stuff, and I wish I had lots more :(
