Zupan, Post 5 - Trim

So, like I said last time, I wanted to do couching and stuff as the decoration on the zupan. I looked it up in some of the craft and embroidery magazines I have here, and drew some pics and made some notes. I chose some colours and thicknesses of cord and all that, and then went out and tried to buy what I needed and found that it was mostly unavailable. So I was annoyed and changed a few things and simplified things, and came back with some cord in appropriate colours. Although most of it, except the dark red was quite crappy and mostly all the same. There wasn't a lot of choices. I couldn't get the more complicated elements to work, and didn't have any cord thin enough to do the loops I wanted, and wasn't actually able to get some really interesting thick stuff either to loop over in the first place, and I was wondering if I would have enough time to do everything, as well as whether G would even like it or wear it because, like most men, he mainly wears only undecora...