Brief Victorian Update and Google Work Coolness

Well, with regards to the costume - I think it is going alright, but due to the amount of sewing, nothing is finished yet. But the corset and petticoat are more-nearly finished. :) Hopefully tonight I will make an entry about what I did in the weekend and this week, and from now on will try and write a dress entry on Sunday or Monday evening and put it up at work the next day. I'm still not sure about the corset. I alternate between how awesomely cool it is and the fact that it is probably not going to fit properly as it is too big in places.

Anyway, here is a cool blog entry that is ostensibly about Agile programming and why it is or isn't good, but is actually more about why google would be an awesome place to work. He works at google. :(

I have recently found something else fun I want to sew - but can't yet - and I also want to do more on my wedding dress plans - but need to do my Victorian clothes first!! Not enough time and too much to do. I have also found some cool pics to base my Victorian hat on, which I will post when I get to start making it, but I am all enthusiastic about that too.

I also seem to have given myself "OOS" (occupational overuse syndrome) symptoms somehow, maybe from too much hand sewing, particularly while trying to hold things under tension I suppose. So I am now using my mouse with my left hand, which I am somewhat used to now, and sometimes typing one-handed, which is a pain - but not as much of a pain as using my right hand to do it :(. So tonight I might not sew anything, but draft a pattern instead, and hope that is better. Actually, that means I won't make an entry tonight about my recent progress unless I can bother typing with one hand, which is about as convenient as, say, tying your shoelaces with one hand only.


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