I Made a Hat
Last week, or some other time in the recent past, I made a beret. It is a very simple beret, and I have plans to make more, more complex ones. After making your pattern (a ring shape and an oval) it only takes about 2 hours to make. I made it from instructions on the sempstress site, although you first need to make the basic brim pattern. And then you can make lots and lots of hats (well, at least a couple) as explained on that same site - which is about Elizabethan clothing so except for the beret they are Elizabethan hats. Don't let that stop you though. I, for example, am going to make this tall-crowned hat out of my black-and-red and black-and-whitc chequered material. It should be amusing.
This is my material I used.
And this is a close-up of the material because it was interesting to look at the photo close-up.
This is me. I can't decide if it looks stupid or not. For some reason I had very red cheeks, and it is also hard to take a picture of yourself. I tried to airbrush the pictures, but I can't work out how to use the airbrush tool in the graphics program.

This is the inside of the hat.

This is Plucky The Ducky in the hat.
Plucky looks grumpy.
So there we go, all very easy, but it is probably better if you get some bias binding that kind of matches your material rather than using whatever you have there. I wore it on two days, but it is too cold for silly hats that don't cover your ears.
This is my material I used.

This is Plucky The Ducky in the hat.

So there we go, all very easy, but it is probably better if you get some bias binding that kind of matches your material rather than using whatever you have there. I wore it on two days, but it is too cold for silly hats that don't cover your ears.