How Long Did the Victorian Dress Take to Create?

People often ask this question, and I don't really have any idea. I'm hoping to remember to keep track of the time it takes to make the next one. The current one took 6 weeks of almost all of my free time however, which is most of the time not used up by working, making and eating dinner, going out for lunch on Saturday and visiting my parents for Sunday lunch. The corset took half of the 6 weeks. After I finished that I spent 1 day of a weekend playing computer games instead :) The chemise and the bustle pad took one evening each (3-4 hours). Stuff to do with hats took one weekend I suppose, because most of it didn't work out and there was a lot of mucking about.
So not that long. But I didn't do much else. Theoretically without having to make the underwear again, it would only take 2-3 weeks to make another outfit, but for some reason that doesn't seem very likely. You can get a lot done in an evening of about 3 hours though.


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