Current Fashion Update + Stuff

Current fashion
Cherries and polka dots people, cherries and polka dots. And, since dresses are in, cherries and polka dots - on dresses!

Polka dots (or is it polka-dots?) and petticoats
As stated in a previous post, my current clothing obsession often reflects what is actually in fashion, which is handy. I also have long-term obsessions that are either unrelated or are a long-term fashion undercurrent. Like corset (inspired) tops. So I am interested in polka dots and cherries currently. I think they are also in fashion. Someone told me yesterday that they were. I saw some black material with white polka dots the other day when I was looking for black material to make a petticoat, and decided I should get that instead and make a petticoat that can also be an outer skirt. It was even only a little extra, about $1/m, than the plain cottons I was considering. This is a "current project" that is as yet unstarted. This petticoat would be a three tiered skirt, with the top tier fitted and closed with snaps (I wanted white buttons - to echo the dots - but if it is also to be a petticoat it needs something flattish) with a tier gathered onto the bottom of it, and a tier gathered onto the bottom of that. So it holds out a skirt a little, AND looks cool by itself. Perhaps I shall make an entry about these simple style of skirts sometime soon, I have a couple of examples. Useful for "gypsy" style dresses. Very easy to make but the gathering is a pain, however, even YOU who think you can't sew good could make one. No, not you, the other one. Anyway.
This black-and-white polka dot petticoat would go under another "current project, as yet unstarted". This would be a black skirt, also about knee length made from the left-over material from my gothic dress I've posted about on here. It would be have a fitted yoke with an interesting shape, maybe a point at the centre front, and the rest would just be gathered onto that. I know this would look cool because I roughly held up the meterial in a gather-y kind of way at about the right length when I was thinking of making a petticoat out of it. That's right all petticoat ideas are so good they in fact have to be skirts.
I also got two polka dot singlet tops for my birthday, one white on black, the other black on white. Bonus! I could dress all in polka dots! I have a black-and-white polka dot hair scrunchie too!

I was never a big fan of cherry stuff before, except when I was little, maybe. To start with the material is often pink. Not good. Pink is only good as a joke, and cherries are not jokey enough. Unlike my pink skirt with fairies and flowers on it. Funny! But now I am a big fan of cherry printed things, and spotlight has a whole heap of cherry printed cottons at the moment! Cool. Like 7 different ones. I will be getting some, but it is only 112cm (just under 4 feet?) wide. Which is shrimpy and makes the material a bit expensive. However, I even know what I am going to make, based on a dress I already have. The difficulties in the recreation will come from the following points:
  1. the original is stretch, so pattern will need to be modified a bit to fit well when not stretchy
  2. the original is stretch, so has no fasteners, you just pull it on, which won't work with the cotton, so needs modification there
  3. the design is kind of complicated, thus hard to do
  4. the design is complicated AND I have no pattern at all similar and have never made anything like it
  5. I might accidentally buy pink material, simply because it has cherries on it. This would be bad because I look awful in pink, it only works well in skirts for me, and only in one skirt, which, as I said, is humerous
This other dress I'm modelling it on looks really good on me actually. It makes me consider stretchy materials as a viable purchasing option for the future. To make more dresses that look good on me.

The point of the blog, in general
I need to post more stuff about the things I have already made. I keep realising I have quite a bit. Part of the point of this blog is actually to provide sewing information that is useful but not historical costume based. The only reason I actually have any interest in historical costuming at all is because I developed it while searching for sewing and corset information and the only stuff was on these sites (and, like, porn sites for the corsets, but I haven't developed a great deal of new interest in that direction). So I want to provide information and inspiration for people who just want to make normal clothes or just sew stuff and can't find anything about that. Of course, there is tonnes about sewing on the web, but the problem is finding it, and then finding it in a format you like, which I didn't except at the costume sites. So now I am interested in the costumes, le sigh.

Most important thing to say, today
The most important thing I have to say today is that if any of you see what looks like cherry material but on closer examination the cherries are in fact SKULLS, you must, I repeat, MUST contact me, immediately. I saw a dress in this material a while back, and would have bought it even though I don't ever buy new clothes unless it is really cheap and this was in a boutique so it would be expensive - but the dress was ugly. Really ugly. Very sad actually. Saw some other material the other day that I loved that was made into an even worse dress. Very disappointing as I have never seen a material like that either. So, skulls that look like cherries, got it? Combines cherries, humour and gothic tendencies. It would make a good Christmas present. Plus, you probably didn't give me a birthday present yesterday either, so you owe me for that too. Bonus.


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