Summer Solstice...
Yay, today (or now-abouts) is the summer solstice, or, I guess, in the northern hemisphere it is the winter solstice. In Dunedin today the weather is cold and raining. It has hailed and it looked as if it would snow. But not so much now. Outside this morning, at about 0830, my fingers were freezing with that sharp cold in the air that makes me think of glaciers and Antarctica - an icy cold one would call it then. Generally, this seems similar to what those having the winter solstice now might be experiencing. The winter solstice is also known as Yule, in English culture, and although it gets a bit weird with all the different cultures mashed together in the generic Pagan year, the summer solstice mightbe Litha, or simply Mid-Summer, according to my sources. This is clearly ridiculous as it is not summery at all. Seldom is it even warm in December the last few years, generally reserving any good weather for January and February, but the last 2-3 years at least there have also been hot d...