24 Hour Regent Book Sale Haul

I went to the 24 hour (runs from noon Friday to noon Saturday) regent book sale with my Mum on Saturday, 2 hours before it ended (we seldom go at strange and interesting times), and got some books, as follows:

The Weaver's Craft by LE Simpson and M Weir, 10th Edition, 1967, Hardcover. There's numerous other editions of this listed on Amazon (but not available), including a new 2008 edition which is available. My one is a nice solid book with a sewn binding (not glued). It looks good and covers different types of weaving. 50 cents

Weaving as a Hobby by M Ickis, 1972, Hardcover with a proper binding again. Aren't old books nice? The pages are nice and hardy too. This one only covers weaving on a large loom. 50 cents

Step-by-step Weaving by N Znamierowski, 1967, Softcover. This is mainly about weaving on a large loom again, although it talks about frame looms, and has useful stuff on different types of weaves (eg. twill, basket weave, etc) and about natural dye plants. 50 cents

Europe in the Sixteenth Century by Koenigsberger et al., 2nd edition, 1989, softcover. There's a milllion books called "europe in the sixteenth century" and hopefully this is a good one; it's an ex-textbook and cost $4

The Home Fix-it Book for New Zealanders by B Joyce, 1982, softcover. Hopefully this will make us useful and able to do our own house-stuff. 50 cents

Pali Primer by L de Silva, 1995, softcover. For all those times you need to learn the language Buddha spoke. According to the comments on amazon, you can download it from here somewhere for free. 50 cents

Julie Biuso's Italian Cooking. Standard cookbook kinda book, but it's got a bit of writing about the ingredients, tips and tricks, etc. Also included is someone's shopping list at the page with the mozzarella salads. $2.50

A Small Garden Designer's Handbook by R Strong, softcover. Although theoretically about small gardens, you'd need a quite large garden to implement any of it, and all the garden's pictured are massive. $3

The Spiders of New Zealand, Part 1, by R R Forster, 1967. Scientific study of spidies, with many large drawings. $20 - was originally $25 but when I asked her if that was correct, she reduced it a little.

For G I got:

The Lady of Shalott (a different edition to the one in the link) by Lord Tennyson, hardcover. This is illustrated and quite nice. Amazon says the age group for it is 9-12, but surely there shouldn't be any upper limit, that's just weird. $4

Icelandic Primer by Henry Sweet, Second Edition, 1926, Hardcover. The spine cover bit has come off but otherwise not too badly off. And not just any Icelandic, but Old Icelandic from between 1200 and 1350, a.k.a. Old Norse. Did you know Tolkein knew Old Norse? Enough said. 50 cents

I also got 5 old fashion magazines and a more recent women's business magazine for $3, and the total for everything came to just under $40 (I couldn't remember all the prices for the non-fifty-cent books so I had to guess) with the spider book being half of that.


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