Dad and a Hat

I might start writing various diary-like entries about depressing stuff, and other stuff, for a while...

So I decided two weeks ago to make Dad a nightcap for "receiving visitors in the evening" (lol) and for when he is in hospital [ :-( ].
On the day when we didn't know what was wrong yet and he'd gone to the hospital to find out, I picked some seeds off a tree, the type that turn into "helicopters" to show him, because this is the sort of thing I do. Before they go brown and fall off the tree as helicopters, they are green and joined together - two wings or blades instead of a single one. I'd post pictures but I want to see if I've got any of mine at home (but I lost my camera/it was stolen and I think I hadn't got the photos off yet). Anyway, I got them to show him and gave him the best one.
The point of this is that I decided to embroider these and the leaves of the same tree on the night cap.
I used the shape of the one on this page on the Extreme Costuming site and scaled it to what I guessed was probably the right size, made a mock-up of the shape, and got Dad to try it on.
A week ago I started embroidering it and I finished it today. I did the seams on the sewing machine and a few other non-historically correct things. It was my first effort at blackwork, I had hardly any resources on it, I haven't done much embroidery before, and I was in a hurry, but I think it turned out good anyway.
I wish I'd had it done before he'd gone into hospital so he could have had it then, because it is strange and amusing and thus good for hospitals, but at least he will have it at home.
I'm particularly upset having finished it, for various reasons. It was my goal for the week, and now I have no goal. It had to be done before he died, obviously, and now that it is done... well, what does that mean?


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