Test Your Colour IQ - Interesting Quiz

This is cool.
You have to arrange these little squares in order of colour.

I got 7, best score is 0. The ones I got wrong were right in the centre of the spectrum they used, in the blue-green area; it was interesting that they weren't scattered around.
Aynia, as a designer, the pressure is on you to get 0 ;)

I found it really hard to really "see" the colours and squares - the lines keep bending, the colours moved about and there are "light" and "dark" lines running through the screen*. This generally happens when I try and look at things (computer screens, the outdoors, etc) where there is high contrast (I think that is the problem), and it is a cloudy afternoon here**, with the computer screens a fair amount brighter than the surrounding light level, and it is hard to see what's on them clearly. Luckily I don't need to analyse the exact position of lines nor exact colours, so this isn't a problem to work, etc, it's just annoying. Mostly I don't notice it much as I'm focusing on reading, not on seeing. It's actually really annoying; it feels like I can't see properly, even though I can see perfectly well, and it seems like I should be able to just look "better" or look "around" the annoyingness, and be able to see properly, but I can't. If anyone knows what this weirdness is, tell me, otherwise just do the colour test!!

*They're not actually light and dark, they're not actually even there, I don't think, that's just the best/easiest way to describe them.
**Actually, cloudy but bright skies seem to cause the problem the most, but I'm not sure what that means in terms of the light.


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