How Fast You Can Type

Don't you want to know your words-per-minute typing score?
Here is an online test where you type in the words shown for a minute and they tell you how many you do correctly.

49 words


I got 38 the first time, because I was not relaxed enough and was trying to be quick also. You need to be relaxed to type quickly, and you need to not think about it and just do it.
I'm not sure if I type this quickly normally or not. On the one hand, I am not trying to type fast normally so maybe I just be slack and do it slowly. On the other hand, I am normally not worrying about anything and am just typing, so maybe I am more relaxed and thus typing faster. Also, when typing from my head instead of looking at the words on the screen, I am not slowed down by what the words say, or by having to visually process the words and then send them to my hands.
Typing what I'm thinking seems to involve less thought (or no thought even). I make a fair amount of mistakes though, some of which are automatically corrected because I normally realise I've made a mistake without even seeing the mistake. That's for mis-typed words where I hit the wrong key and realise it a split-second after. I automatically hit back-space the correct number of times to correct it, sometimes without even realising it. However, there are also spelling mistakes that I don't realise until I see them. And more recently (the last half year or year) I have been making more mistakes where I type completely different words to what I wanted to type. It's most odd. If I'm not looking at what I just typed, then I can end up writing some very bizarre things. They're not necessarily words that are similar to the one I meant to write; they are normally completely different words, with no similarity in appearance or meaning, although they are normally around the same length. There doesn't seem to be any "Freudian" meaning to them. So if I write something that otherwise seems to make sense, but has a weird word in it, that is probably what happened, and I didn't see it when reading through it afterwards. It's very odd to think a word and then type a completely different one!!


thursdays child said…
I got 78. Go me.

Admin job for life I'm stuck with. :D

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