Lap Plackets (for Wide Seams)

I have spent a MILLION YEARS in the last day trying to work out how this works and finally, with the help of this almost identical picture and set of instructions, I have it. Simple really. If only they'd put a single word on their diagram indicating which side of the fabric we are looking at, it would have been a lot simpler. We're looking at it from the back/inside, ok people? In the second picture on the second link we've turned it around and we're now looking at it from the outside of the garment.
With this enormous revelation, I can now go on and learn about the other types of plackets and methods of attaching fastenings, which were equally incomprehensible before.

The links both go to pages on which has reproductions of sewing books from 1890 to the 1950s, including stuff on millinery and glove-making, so should be very useful - providing one can work out what it's trying to say.


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