Baking Cakes

Do you think one could bake a cake/batch of biscuits/whatever every day for a month? The main problem, it occurred to me, is that you would have to eat a cake every day as well, which might be a bit excessive. One could bake a cake every weekend for a month, but that is only 4 times and not terribly exciting a goal. One could bake a cake every week for a year, but maybe that is too long? What about other experimental cooking; it wouldn't be good if it was neglected. It could be one of cakes/biscuits/bread/similar foods each week for a year I guess, that would be good.


thursdays child said…
you could try "one new recipe" every day for a month. That means it doesn't just have to be a cake or cookies but you could try a new soup or way to cook meat or anything...

It does sound cool - especially if you have a great audience - and then at the end of the month you can put your favorites together for the massive dinner party!
aynz said…
I laughed A LOT at this. Posts like this one make me realise why we're friends. Only a friend of mine would write, "One could bake a cake every weekend for a month, but that is only 4 times and not terribly exciting a goal." I think the main problem with all this baking is getting people to eat it all... ;-)
Anonymous said…
That sounds very similar to the conundrum Winnie-the-Pooh had with honey. :) B.

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