To Make or Not To Make

I think I've decided to go with making the Princess Bride dress after all, even though I'm not much sure why.

Reasons against
  • I don't really want a pink dress
Reasons for
  • There's not much else I'm likely to do with the pink material
  • I might have to do something creative to get the sleeves to look anything like the movie, and creative = fun
  • It seems easy, and I, or someone I know who is the same size, might have a sudden need to go to some sort of pseudo-historical dress-up party on a moments notice, and I will have something on hand all ready

I also have a stack of new project ideas - yippee!

The most useful one at the moment, if I have time, is to make a Tudor-style smock. This should be easy, and then if I decide to make more Tudor stuff later I will already have one layer that I don't have to worry about. The neckline needs to be wide to not show from under the dresses, which would be suitable for going under the Princess Bride dress also. What a good coincidence.


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