The Best Antique Dress

Yesterday I finished making something, sort of, but it is no good so I haven't finished it properly, needs shoulder straps. Later I will try and sort it out, when I have time. Also, I want to sort out that polka dot skirt so it doesn't look so odd if I don't wear a long top. When I can be bothered. Got to get organised making wedding stuff. Enlarged a new pattern to try last night, need to get some material to try it, but might not have time to go today - have an appointment so that will mostly use up my spare lunch time. I could just go in the weekend but I want it now!

On to the main event.

The best antique dress
One day, I want to make this. Probably over a period of two years so I don't have to rush or anything and don't have to spend ALL my time on it. Spending ALL my time on the previous Victorian outfit took only about 6-8 weeks I think, so even with multitudes of other projects it shouldn't really take 2 years.
Link to pictures of the dress....
But I can do it really nicely, wait until the right material is available, make all those nice embellishments, and also make test examples of the bodice and so on to make sure it works and then I have twice as many clothes, if I give myself time and no time limit.
It is so awesome and so pretty :)

Plus, it would actually be so fun to make. The construction and hand-sewing everything nice. And I like all the pleats and so on, which will be simply satisfying to achieve. It looks like a lot, but it is really just a lot of parts. First I spend some time getting the pattern right for an item, then sew it, then try out the embellishments, make them, then go onto the next thing. The outfit is just several garments, and a garment is a pattern and decoration, and the pattern is seams and the decorations stitches and folds. It all breaks down and you just work your way up. And working out HOW to do everything is the tricky bit, but also the fun bit - experimentation and problem-solving.

The writing is just not flowing today. I think I'll stop.


thursdays child said…
omg - that dress is amazing. Oooooooo

(big shiny eyes)

I can't even imagine where to begin with something like that!
Anonymous said…
Well said.

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