ClustrMaps; Blogging in General

Well, I wanted to know how many people were looking at my blog, if any, and the only thing I know about to do that on a blog is ClustrMaps, which is the little map at the right hand side there. Apparantly 6 people have visited in the last 6 days. I'm pretty sure that at least 2-3 of them were me on various days after posting something. I didn't actually want to display the information about how many people came, I just wanted to know because I love that kind of information. But part of the agreement you agree to when signing up for ClustrMaps is that you will display one of their little maps - you aren't actually allowed to simply use it to gather information, I suppose you have to show it to help them advertise. Maybe if you pay for the upgrade then you wouldn't have to show it, but that would be kind of pointless. Anyway, apparently someone came to my site from Auckland-ish. How do they even know that? How do they trace to the correct location? If anyone knows or has a link to a site explaining the technology, leave a comment. Not that anyone leaves any comments of course, not even my Mum!! So she can't prove that she actually looked at it. Of course, she doesn't see the point of blogs and thinks it's weird. So do I. It's very weird. But I think I just like writing all this random stuff, and then I also have a record of these things for myself, which could be interesting, like a diary, except with pictures and some greater inclination to write it somehow. But I think "blog" is such an ugly word. I hate to use it. There should be a nicer one.


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