Gwri's Birthday
Some time ago, was Gwri's birthday. We were going to Christchurch to see his parents around his birthday, and they were coming to Dunedin after that, so we thought we should have the birthday dinner when they were here -I think that's how it went. But, I think one should always do something on your actual birthday, so I bought a giant muffin and lit a big red candle for his "actual birthday" birthday cake, and we had tea with the teapot and milk jug and everything. There isn't a really good photo cos it was kind of dark, so I can't really post one.
Then, when his parents were here, we had a proper birthday dinner. I made crowns for everyone to wear out of some of my favourite fabrics. They're like paper hats from Christmas crackers, but made of fabric. They're all lined, interfaced, and machine sewn except for the join at the back which is hand-whip-stitched closed. Everyone had the option to keep their crown, and some people did. The one at the front is for Gwri cos it is the tallest crown and it was his birthday.

Amazingly, everyone actually wore them, without protest (although since we once spent most of Christmas morning wearing stuffed animals balanced on our heads perhaps crowns are not too much to ask, but that was my immediate family only, none of Gwri's family or other non-family).

Unlike everyone else, Gwri's Mum managed to end up only in one picture, in the corner, facing the other way:

In this photo, Gwri manages to look nothing like himself. But it's an interesting photo, despite capturing none of Gwri in it.
Then, when his parents were here, we had a proper birthday dinner. I made crowns for everyone to wear out of some of my favourite fabrics. They're like paper hats from Christmas crackers, but made of fabric. They're all lined, interfaced, and machine sewn except for the join at the back which is hand-whip-stitched closed. Everyone had the option to keep their crown, and some people did. The one at the front is for Gwri cos it is the tallest crown and it was his birthday.
Amazingly, everyone actually wore them, without protest (although since we once spent most of Christmas morning wearing stuffed animals balanced on our heads perhaps crowns are not too much to ask, but that was my immediate family only, none of Gwri's family or other non-family).
Unlike everyone else, Gwri's Mum managed to end up only in one picture, in the corner, facing the other way:
In this photo, Gwri manages to look nothing like himself. But it's an interesting photo, despite capturing none of Gwri in it.