91-Piece Skirt, Part 2
Part 1 of this skirt is here. I actually finished this ages ago but didn't post it.
This is the kind of skirt that strangers comment on. Since it doesn't look that awesome in the photos, I assume it looks a lot better when it's on, probably when moving. The orange fabric is quite thin and light, so it doesn't end up weighing too much. People, adults and children, seem to find it worrying that it drags on the ground when I go down stairs or slopes, but I mainly only mind when I'm trying to go up and I keep stepping on it, and it's hard to hold up because even if you hold it up in one or two places, there is still enough skirt to get in the way down by one's feet.
Finished skirt, with one side tucked into waist-band:

Both sides held up:

Small details - the skirt is hemmed by sewing a strip of fabric onto the hem-edge, folding it to the back and sewing it down and then sewing a wiggly line around too, for decoration and to hold the strip in place and help resist fraying.

- the waist edge also has a strip sewn onto and folded to the inside. A row of shallow zig-zag stitch is sewn around the top edge to reinforce it, and then 3 rows of (slightly different) zig-zag stitch are sewn, making a channel for the drawstring in the space.
You can also see two rows of top-stiching. On each seam the seam allowances were both pressed to one side and then that side was topstitched. Where the multi-colour sections were inserted into the orange fabric, the orange was topstitched and so when the orange pieces came together at the top both sides of the seam are top-stitched rather than just one like in other places on the skirt.
This is the kind of skirt that strangers comment on. Since it doesn't look that awesome in the photos, I assume it looks a lot better when it's on, probably when moving. The orange fabric is quite thin and light, so it doesn't end up weighing too much. People, adults and children, seem to find it worrying that it drags on the ground when I go down stairs or slopes, but I mainly only mind when I'm trying to go up and I keep stepping on it, and it's hard to hold up because even if you hold it up in one or two places, there is still enough skirt to get in the way down by one's feet.
Finished skirt, with one side tucked into waist-band:
Both sides held up:
Small details - the skirt is hemmed by sewing a strip of fabric onto the hem-edge, folding it to the back and sewing it down and then sewing a wiggly line around too, for decoration and to hold the strip in place and help resist fraying.
- the waist edge also has a strip sewn onto and folded to the inside. A row of shallow zig-zag stitch is sewn around the top edge to reinforce it, and then 3 rows of (slightly different) zig-zag stitch are sewn, making a channel for the drawstring in the space.
You can also see two rows of top-stiching. On each seam the seam allowances were both pressed to one side and then that side was topstitched. Where the multi-colour sections were inserted into the orange fabric, the orange was topstitched and so when the orange pieces came together at the top both sides of the seam are top-stitched rather than just one like in other places on the skirt.