Music: Supergroove - Sitting Inside My Head

My currently most listened to song is Sitting Inside My Head (lyrics) by Supergroove. I've listened to it 20+ times in the last 3 days at work (lucky I have headphones).
You should probably get "Postage - A best of" if you want to get a CD, as pretty much every song on it is good (as one would expect from a compilation). It's really hard to express how generally awesome Supergroove is, so that's why you should get a CD! They are said to be a "funk" band, which in itself is awesome, because what does that even mean? Their music is very humourous and quirky and a mixture of styles, and I love hearing NZ accents in songs, it makes me happy.
The end.


thursdays child said…
I have that CD and I agree...

Tho the classics are my fav. "Scorpio Girls" intro is one of the best in any song really and "Can't Get Enough" - it's just so much FUN. Like the music video, it's just FUN.

yay for happy things!

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