Dragon Eggs Meme
There's this weird site where you can get dragon eggs and if people click on them and view them, they hatch into little dragons, or something... So you should click on people's when you see them*.
Like this one! It's orange, it's one of my favourite colours. It is pretty.

*Otherwise I think they die. :-( I don't know if I can deal with the emotional trauma of possibly killing the imaginary dragon! ;)
I got more - you can have up to 4.

This one sounded cool - " This egg is sitting in a patch of grass and small flowers even though there's no sun in the cave" :-)
Unfortunately these ones are not so exciting colours, but I would feel bad if I got rid of them. There was one that was described as purple that I could have got, but that was at the same time as the "patch of grass" one, and that just sounded too cool. You'll have to click on the light green and white ones to see what they say about them ;)
Like this one! It's orange, it's one of my favourite colours. It is pretty.

*Otherwise I think they die. :-( I don't know if I can deal with the emotional trauma of possibly killing the imaginary dragon! ;)
I got more - you can have up to 4.

Unfortunately these ones are not so exciting colours, but I would feel bad if I got rid of them. There was one that was described as purple that I could have got, but that was at the same time as the "patch of grass" one, and that just sounded too cool. You'll have to click on the light green and white ones to see what they say about them ;)