Pretty much everything makes me stressed/nervous/anxious/scared/whatever (which we shall hence-forth refer to as nervous) - getting up in the morning, going to bed, going to work, coming home, doing things that aren't fun, doing things that are fun, the beginning, end and middle of all activities, etc. Sometimes, even doing nothing makes me nervous so that I am about to be torn apart by the anxiety caused by both doing nothing and thinking of doing something.
You're wondering what this has to do with mushrooms.
I like my garden, but going into it makes me nervous because of all the things I could be doing there. So then I don't go there, and feel bad about it and that makes me too nervous to even think about the fact we have an outside. Even though I really like nature and I am sad I don't get enough nature time. So I thought I would go outside for 15 minutes a day and commune with nature or something. So I don't have to do anything, I could just stand there, but on the other hand maybe this will trick me into doing some gardening (which I am generally too nervous to do) since I am standing out there anyway.
So anyway, on the first (and possibly only) day of this new initiative, I am rewarded by finding a cool mushroom. And also a boring mushroom, although I feel bad for calling it that as that is rather mean as it is not its fault it is brown and not bright red like the cool mushroom. Poor mushroom.
What is it, do we see something?

Normally my camera is a jerk about representing colours, and just makes them all boring looking, so I didn't think it would pick up the red very well, but actually it kind of over-saturated all the colours instead. Which was quite good, because the way things actually look is not the way you see them. So in real life, the red really stands out because your brain really notices it when you are otherwise surrounded by green and grey (sky), but in an accurate photo, it wouldn't stand out as much. So hyper-colouring it in the photo means it more accurately represents what I saw, even though it is factually less correct.

The poor, boring mushroom, which kind of actually makes a better photo.
You're wondering what this has to do with mushrooms.
I like my garden, but going into it makes me nervous because of all the things I could be doing there. So then I don't go there, and feel bad about it and that makes me too nervous to even think about the fact we have an outside. Even though I really like nature and I am sad I don't get enough nature time. So I thought I would go outside for 15 minutes a day and commune with nature or something. So I don't have to do anything, I could just stand there, but on the other hand maybe this will trick me into doing some gardening (which I am generally too nervous to do) since I am standing out there anyway.
So anyway, on the first (and possibly only) day of this new initiative, I am rewarded by finding a cool mushroom. And also a boring mushroom, although I feel bad for calling it that as that is rather mean as it is not its fault it is brown and not bright red like the cool mushroom. Poor mushroom.
What is it, do we see something?
Normally my camera is a jerk about representing colours, and just makes them all boring looking, so I didn't think it would pick up the red very well, but actually it kind of over-saturated all the colours instead. Which was quite good, because the way things actually look is not the way you see them. So in real life, the red really stands out because your brain really notices it when you are otherwise surrounded by green and grey (sky), but in an accurate photo, it wouldn't stand out as much. So hyper-colouring it in the photo means it more accurately represents what I saw, even though it is factually less correct.
The poor, boring mushroom, which kind of actually makes a better photo.