Fair Trade Movie Screening

Since the last fortnight was Fair Trade fortnight, Trade Aid plus Forest & Bird were showing films at the Academy Cinema for $5 incl. free coffee/tea/hot chocolate and chocolate (fair trade of course; a product show case of sorts). We saw the one today where the feature (The Greening of Southie) was about trying to build a "gold" standard (LEED certification) building (the MacAllen Building) two years ago in South Boston. It was quite interesting: they used bamboo for the floors, a kind of mdf made from wheat straw, etc. Apparently, no one in the USA had really heard of dual-flush toilets - you know the ones with two buttons, for more or less water? Yeah, they really made a big deal of that aspect - partly because toilets are funny I guess, but given that this type is practically normal, it seemed really weird to talk about them at all.
They sort of made all the labourers, cement workers, etc look/sound like morons, which was a shame, although they also appeared honest and ernest, but isn't that also sort of the stereotype of hard-working stupid labourers?
The first, shorter little video (Xtreme Waste) was about a NZ town that had started a strong recycling policy with a goal of zero waste to land-fill.
So that was good.


I'm sort of wondering what stuff I shoul dput on my blog and what on LJ, if anything. Photos are mcuh easier on my blog, but LJ has the useful comment system. But do I really care if anyone comments? Should I just put craft stuff and things like that on the blog and everyday stuff on LJ? But sometimes they overlap... Sigh... I might move from Blogger to Wordpress in any case because that looks better, so I'm not sure what kind of features they have over there.


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