Computer Resurrection

I installed Suse 10.1 on my computer yesterday evening, eventually, but it actually went pretty well. I now need to get the internet to work, and then I have internet and word processing and I am half way there. Then I need to make sure the peripherals like the digital camera can connect to it, and I am all good, except for games. But I don't play that many and we have another computer we have to use for the new stuff anyway. I mainly would want to get the old dos and win95 games going if possible, and there might be emulators for that for Linux - it might not actually be any harder than getting them to work under a new Windows version.

The thing that immediately struck me about was that it was like walking out into a cold, crisp morning or evening, where things are quiet and clear and uncluttered, free and easy, there is a clarity. Things happen immediately. You click on something and there is an immediate crisp response. It - wait, that's it! Unlike in Vista, where everything fades in and out, expands, contracts, blurs and clarifies - in linux it just happens and it happens immediately. After using only Vista for 5 days with no windows 2000 respite, the immediacy of response was so refreshing it was amazing. And I was happy. Now all I need is the router working and it will be perfect - once I have that I can hopefully find the answers to any other problems I encounter.


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