
Showing posts from August, 2011

Profound Snow Pictures

First another sunrise... One of the cool things about snow is that you can see evidence of everyone who has gone that way before you; the signs they leave behind connect you through time, via space.


I made toad-in-the-hole the other day, which is sausages in Yorkshire pudding. I made it from this Jamie Oliver recipe . It worked out ok, except it sank a lot, quickly, and then the Yorkshire pudding at the bottom ended up very thick and more like an egg pudding. Well, it is an egg pudding, but like a heavy one with no air in it. Also, all my sausages floated to the top. Maybe if you use fat sausages they don't do that. A lot of people in the comments of the recipe said they had trouble with the oil burning, but I think that is probably because they used the wrong oil - different oils smoke and catch fire at different temperatures. I had a very small amount of smoke but really no trouble and used canola oil at 250 degrees C (or so my over claims, but it is old so who knows if it even gets that hot really?).

Everyday the Sun Rises


Sheetweb Spider

Just some not-terribly-good pictures of what I think is some kind of sheetweb spider that I took ages ago - by the look of it I took them inside at night in a plastic container. It is not only a sheetweb spider in that it builds sheetwebs, but is actually one of the Sheetweb Spiders with capital letters. There are 29 known species in NZ of Sheetweb Spiders with capital S's. This is a male because of the longer legs. Like with many spiders, it is written in my book that the males often come inside looking for a mate. I don't know why they all think the women spiders will be living in people's houses.