Farmer's Market - 12 Feb
The Farmer's Market was good as usual, but I didn't take pictures of what I bought, and now we've started eating a lot of it!
However, what I got is:
Edit: ok, apparently for some reason I took a poor picture of the dips and cheese! Yay? Posts are better with pictures?
However, what I got is:
- Lebanese "pizza" - flat bread with cumin and other spices on it, pretty good, I warmed mine up in the microwave and wrapped it around bits of roast chicken
- Lebanese olive dip and hummus- two little pots go a surprisingly long way
- giant plums and apricots from my favourite, primarily organic, fruit place - they were about twice as big as normal plums and apricots! And yummy!
- also from the above people - a big bag of greengages. I was wondering why supermarkets don't sell these - and then yesterday I saw that they do, at nearly twice the price, and the Farmer's Market ones are organic!
- also one red pear - they have red skins and are yummy and good for preserving in jars. I'll buy some more for preserving later, because they are the best preserving fruit I've found so far
- again from the fruit place, I got 3 small cucumbers - they were 2 for a dollar, but they have ugly skin so I got a free one. I love how these people sell all the "low-grade" fruit and veges rather than wasting it
- a 4-cheese platter pack from the Oamaru cheese people so I can try some cheese other than their on-special cheddar off-cuts and creamy blue cheese. A good deal at $15 rather than the $18.50 I saw it at the supermarket yesterday. The only two of the four we've eaten so far are the cheddar and the blue cheese...
- a bag of carrots - it had looked like there were only large carrots left and I wanted small ones, but the bags appeared to be divided by size so I got little ones, which we ate some of yesterday with the Lebanese dips and the cheese :)
- a big bag of peas - I just chuck a few in what I'm cooking while waiting for the cooking to happen, so this way I don't have to actually sit down and shell them. Just chuck them in
- a steak and cheese pie - I still haven't managed to get a family pork pie :(
- some good frankfurters (can't wait to try them!) and some bacon mince from the free-range pork place
Edit: ok, apparently for some reason I took a poor picture of the dips and cheese! Yay? Posts are better with pictures?
