Unusual Busking by the Farmer's Market

Outside the Farmer's Market today, and a few weeks ago, there was a guy busking - with a drum kit. Which is something I haven't seen before, and looks pretty unusual on the grass lawn, with a few saplings growing nearby, outside the railway station. I took my camera to the market a few times after I saw him the first time, but he wasn't there then, and then I didn't have my camera today. Very unusual.
Today, in addition to the crazy drumming, only 50m away we had a bag-piper who may have been busking, or may have been there simply for general ambiance, as they like to have bag-pipers for special occasions and in touristy places (like the railway station). Anyway, bagpipes and drums at most 50m away from each other equals a lot of competing noise...

Exciting Farmer's Market purchase today: crab apples.


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