Work today

With the person who sits at the desk next to mine away for two weeks, and the other person who sits at the other ajoining desk normally only here on Thursday and Friday, I am feeling a bit lonely at work. The other tech and programming people sit on the other side of a wall that partially divides the room - and the other closest people are management and marketing! So that's no good. It is just me and the desks and numerous unplugged cables emphasising the absense....

(Why are there unplugged cables you ask? Because everyone except me and about two other people have at least one laptop they bring in and hook-up. I'm not sure whether most of them actually have a computer or just a laptop.)

Before I started, there were 12 people in the office, and 1 more that worked part-time. Then I started and the new technical support guy started. Then the general manager became full-time. Then the sales and marketing manager started, then someone who does something - websites I think- started, then yesterday a designer arrived. So now there are 18 full time people. This is over the course of about 2-3 months. There is also the dog, Kenya, who is here some of the time. She is part-time...


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