What's Harvestable - 15 July 2017

Since it's the middle of winter and frosty, I thought it would be interesting to look at what harvestable food is available in my garden right now. You'll notice that they're all leaves, in one form or another. I've split them into herbs and veges, and only included things that have enough plant(s) available to actually harvest, and only things that I actually would harvest - I have various other things that can be used as herbs or tea, but I don't really know enough about them, right this instant, to make me go out and pick some. Centre: Sorrel. Clockwise from top-left: NZ Spinach; Kale; Brussel sprouts; Walking onions; Silverbeet; Non-heading cabbage of some description; Silverbeet again; Perpetual spinach. Centre: Kawakawa. Clockwise from top-left: Variegated marjoram; Coriander; Thyme; Rosemary; Parsley; Sage; Curry plant; Thyme of some other kind. Notes: One of the thymes is chicken thyme but I forget which one or what that means. T...